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Dollism Plus #17 門票現已可於 KLOOK 上購買, 票價為港幣 65 元。

凡購買活動入場門票,即可參加活動當日的大抽奬🎁。奬品包括由各大贊助參展商送出的名貴娃品,奬品豐富,萬勿錯過! 🎊🎈

Dollism Plus #17's tickets are now up for grabs on KLOOK! Price is HK$65.

Every ticket purchase automatically enters you into the grand draw on the event day🎁. Exciting prizes await, generously provided by our esteemed exhibitors. Don’t miss out on this doll-tastic opportunity! 🎊🎈


7月活動的申請結果已透過電郵發送給各位申請者。 未收到通知的,敬請與我們聯絡。

[Application Update]

Application results for our July event have been conveyed to all applicants through email. Kindly reach out to us if you haven't received a notification yet.

Dollism Plus Hong Kong

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